If Latino businesses grew modestly, by one or two employees, we would be creating 11,000 to 22,000 jobs in the communities that need it most.
GPHCC seeks to promote economic growth and prosperity for Hispanic entrepreneurs and professionals. We do this through carefully considered public policy positions as well as initiatives designed to educate the broader community about the impact and contributions of Latinos in the region. This imortant aspect of our work builds deep relationships within our membership and activates regional leadership in developing solutions to the challenges experienced by our businesses and our community.
Policy & advocacy
The State of Hispanic Business is an annual event that informs chamber members, partners, policy makers and the business community at-large about the climate, condition, and trends related to Hispanic-owned businesses. Through this event, GPHCC drives strategic discussions that can serve as the baseline that stakeholders can use to form sound investments in programs and in solutions that will meet the challenges the Latino business community faces.
GPHCC's Latino Small Business Agenda
Today, Latinos outpace all demographic groups in entrepreneurship, starting businesses at three times the rate of the general population. Not only do these businesses comprise 40 percent of all minority-owned businesses, but many of them are also owned by immigrants and Latinas. Despite this level of activity, Latino-owned businesses tend to start smaller and remain smaller than their counterparts, even as they mature, creating an opportunity gap that prevents our community from maximizing its job creation and wealth-building potential. The success of the growing Hispanic population is inextricably linked to the success of our regional and national economy. For this reason, GPHCC has created the Latino Small Business Agenda, which outlines policies and actions we will prioritize, based on membership surveys, industry focus groups and research. |
Campaigns & Collaborations

DCCPHL is a collaboration between the African American Chamber of Commerce of PA, NJ DE (AACC), Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia (AACCGP), Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GPHCC), and Independent Business Alliance (IBA). The purpose of this partnership is to work collectively, as a community, to meet the unique challenges minority business enterprises face when they engage with our local economy. With the goal of economic uplift for and within the diverse minority business community, we speak with a united voice on issues where we unanimously align. Our partnership works together to advocate for, educate, and connect our businesses for the greater good.
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